Monday, May 18, 2020

Hermes The God of All Communication Essay - 850 Words

Mythology was something that every Grecian incorporated into their everyday life. Myths were told to everyone it was said to be a type of social control. A myth could be described as a common day fable to inspire, teach lessons, and give faith to every Greek that needed something to believe in. Greek mythology became a type of religion to the polytheistic Greeks. They had a god for every aspect of life, love, weather, music, and communication. Greek mythology was â€Å"devoted to the deeds of divinities and heroes in the already constituted world† (Buxton 44). Divinities could be referred to as the Gods and heroes, who were often somewhat mortal. The gods were said to live on Mt. Olympus, which can be referred to as a type of heaven. Mortals†¦show more content†¦In myth is was said that once Hermes learned the path to the underworld he was asked by Hades, lord of the underworld to be his Herald as well, he was to lead departed souls to the underworld and was then name d herald of the dead it was said that â€Å"In this guise he was known as Hermes Psycopompos (soul leader), and he was the only god, besides Persephone and Hades, who could cross into the land of the dead and out again† (Cavendish 670). Hermes was very important in many Greek myths; he would often do the bidding of Zeus. One of his most famous appearances took place in the myth, the odyssey. He actually saved the Greek hero twice throughout the story. In one situation while Odysseus is captured by Cyclopes Hermes convinces him to let Odysseus go, it states â€Å" Zeus made me come; and not my inclination; who cares to cross the tract of desolation; the bitter sea, all mortal towns behind where gods have beef and honors from mankind? But it is not to be thought of –and no use-for any god to elude the will of Zeus,† (Homer Book V, 104). Another time in the story Odysseus has a flashback of when Circe had turned half of his crew into pigs, using the packet of herbs Hermes had provided him he was able to resist being turned into a pig and convinces Circe to free his men. We find ourselves wondering how a Grecian mythical messenger with magical winged sandals could have possibly influencedShow MoreRelatedNo ne of the Women and Goddesses Whom Odysseus Encounters Are a Match for Him888 Words   |  4 Pagesworld, but as dominant and authoritative god like people. They delighted and deceived the men, virtually being the dominant sex of the tale. But was any woman or goddess a match for the lion-hearted Odysseys? In book 5, Odysseus encounters Calypso, Atlas’ daughter, when he is accidentally washed onto the shores of Ogygia. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Culture On Health Care - 1642 Words

Assignment 6 Introduction Over the years the United States has become more culturally diverse (Haynes, 2016). As a result, it is estimated that one-third of the United States population is minorities, which the number of minorities is estimated to increase to 54% by 2050 (Haynes, 2016). Therefore, the increase in cultures can lead to or increase the health care disparities. Consequently, it is essential that health care organizations improve its cultural competency. Overall, the increased diversity in the population and the documented health care disparities have made cultural competency essential in order, to ensure that every patient receives quality health care services (Haynes, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of culture on health care. Define the Role of Cultural Awareness in the Management of Health Care Culture is the integrated patterns of behavior, which include the language, communications, thoughts, actions, customs, values, beliefs, and institutions of racial, religious, ethnic, or social groups (CDC, 2015). Furthermore, competence refers to having the capacity to function effectively as an organization and an individual within the context of the cultural behaviors, beliefs, and needs that are presented by the customers and/or the communities (CDC, 2015). Overall, there is no uniform definition of cultural competence, however the cultural competence definition used to develop this paper is cultural competence is the process thatShow MoreRelatedCulture and Diversity: Understanding Disparities in Health Programs1273 Words   |  5 PagesCulture and Diversity: Understanding Disparities in Health Programs This essay reviews key concepts of culture and diversity in the context of their role in causing and/or making worse disparities in health programs. Key Points on Health Program Planning For individuals to be healthy requires the combination of varying levels of physical, mental and social well-being throughout a persons lifetime. Most people find that maintaining their health requires a certain amount of effort and intentionRead MoreThe Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Essay1566 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures written by Anne Fadiman. 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Assignment 201 principles of communication free essay sample

Four different methods of communication: Verbal communication- This type of communication uses words to present ideas, thoughts and feelings. Good verbal communication is the ability to both explain and present your ideas clearly through the spoken word, and to listen carefully to other people. Nonverbal communication- this type of communication is messages we send out to express ideas and opinions without talking. This might be through the use of body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, touch or contact, signs, symbols, pictures, objects. Written communication- This type of communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of written words. Visual communication- this type of communication can be Aii) Five different reasons why people communicate 1. To get information. Communicating with people to get the information you want. 2. To ask questions. You ask people questions to get answers you want through communication. 3. To persuade others. You try to get people to agree to your view through communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment 201 principles of communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. To give instructions. You tell people what to do through communication to get what you want. 5. To argue. You want people to agree with you so you communicate with them to get them to agree with you. Aiii) Two reasons why it is important to observe the reactions of an individual using the service when you are communicating with them. Communication is a 2-way process. It is not simply about sending a message, but also about knowing if the receiver has understood and processed the message properly. In face-to-face communication, the person listening may not always indicate verbally if they have understood or if they agree. Observing body language helps the speaker understand if the other person understands. Also, even if the other person replies verbally his or her body language may show that they have not really understood or agreed. Observation helps understand the effectiveness of communication. This is because Body Language (part of non-verbal communication) is instinctive and more reliable than verbal communication in many cases. Aiv) why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and language needs wishes and preferences. It is important to find out an individual’s communication and language, needs, wishes and preferences to enable effective communication. To understand what an individual is trying to express. To understand an individual’s beliefs, culture, and values. To stop an individual becoming stressed out, frightened or frustrated. To be able to support an individual in their daily life. Av) How good communication can have a positive effect on the way a social care worker interacts with; a)Colleagues; The environment will be a pleasant and positive one to work within if colleagues communicate regularly therefore promoting team work. b) Individuals using the service and carers; Confidence and independence will be created/enhanced between the individual and carer due to good communication and involving the individual. Other professionals; Respond to and help prevent crises, and they counsel individuals, families, and communities on how to cope with the stresses of everyday life. Avi) BarrierHow it can be reduced. Different language Smile and maintain a friendly facial expression, use gestures and pictures. Hearing Speak clearly, listen carefully, and respond to what is said to you. VisualUse touch to communicate concern, sympathy and interest. Use tone of voice Avii) Two ways to check that communication has been understood by all involved. 1)Checking such things as facial expression, Maintaining eye contact and sitting forward if they are listening to what is being discussed. 2)Ask someone to recap on what you have just discussed. Aviii) Three services or sources of information and support that enable effective communication in an adult social care setting are; 1)Translation services This service can help with changing the written text from one language to another. 2)Interpreting services This service can help with converting spoken language to another language. 3)Speech and language services This service can support people who have had a stroke and have problems with their speech.